Episode 1, Saving Shmulik: Meet Shmulik and Find Out How He Lost 12 Pounds in One Week

Podcast: Saving Shmulik - a Weight Loss Marathon

Podcast: Saving Shmulik – a Weight Loss Marathon

Episode 1:  Meet Shmulik and Find Out How He Lost 12 Pounds in One Week

Welcome to Episode 1 of the Saving Shmulik podcast, where Eric’s coaching calls with Shmulik are the show!

From his home in Israel, Shmulik is now one week into his journey to his optimal weight and a healthy lifestyle. After following Eric’s plan for just one week, Shmulik dropped from 332 lbs. to 320 lbs! Eric explains that this a one-time dramatic result based on water loss from reduced sodium intake, but still, what a great confidence building start!

Let’s talk with Shmulik to find out more about how he’s coping with the changes in his life. Shmulik shares many details about his progress: He is following the plan and walking 30 minutes twice daily for exercise. He has great family support around him, even though they still eat their favorite foods around him! And he is closely following Eric’s instructions, one of which is to watch three movies and read three books.

Shmulik says that one of the required books, How Not to Die, has become his instruction manual. Shmulik has several vegan friends who are helpful and want him to succeed on this plan. Did you know that Israel has the largest per capita vegan population in the world? Shmulik lost his weight this week by eating beans, chickpeas, vegetables, whole-grain bread, potatoes, salads, brown rice, peaches, apples, and melons, and other whole foods without added oil or sugar.

Shmulik has always been told that portion control is the key to avoid overeating. But is that true?  Is portion control even a sustainable weight loss strategy?  Eric doesn’t think so.  Food cravings and addictions can be avoided by eating foods made from whole plants rather than processed foods and omnivore foods.  Shmulik says this eating plan is sustainable and a lifestyle change, not a diet. Shmulik has specific questions about sesame seeds and oil. He also feels good about his walks and wants to increase his twice-daily walks from 30 to 45 minutes.

Shmulik and Eric are training to run the Jerusalem Marathon together on March 17, 2017. According to Eric, who started at the same weight as Shmulik but dropped to 180 pounds in 10 months six years ago, Shmulik’s weight loss should average about 5 pounds per week for the first several months. Eric’s plan is for Shmulik to walk for at least a half an hour, twice per day for 8 weeks, and then begin running ½ mile, then 1 mile, and then 2 miles. In 12 weeks, Shmulik should be able to run a 5K distance! After that, Shmulik will gradually increase his distance, without worrying about speed, and build up to 10K, half marathon, and ultimately, full marathon training.  When Eric visits Israel in March 2017 to run the marathon with Shmulik, their goal will simply be to finish —to get through it before the cutoff time, even if it means running/walking to finish.

Upcoming Bonus Content: Recipes for Shmulik and you to try!

Posted in Plant based diet, Podcast, Weight loss.